Efficient anti-aliased dot rasterization
Efficient bump mapping using height maps
Efficient clip-list management for a two-dimensional...
Efficient clip-testing in graphics acceleration
Efficient data packaging for rendering bézier curves on...
Efficient detection of texture sharing between multiple...
Efficient digital map overlays
Efficient function interpolation using SIMD vector permute...
Efficient geometric tessellation and displacement
Efficient gray tile storage
Efficient image allocation for zone rendering
Efficient image parcel texture rendering with T-junction...
Efficient method for clipping numerous objects against an arbitr
Efficient methods for the evaluation of a graphical...
Efficient movement of fragment stamp
Efficient multi-resolution curve rendering
Efficient object storage for zone rendering
Efficient parametric surface binning based on control points
Efficient perceptual/physical color space conversion
Efficient perceptual/physical color space conversion