Capacitor electrolyte
Capsule for radioactive source
Carbon dioxide removal method employing packed solid calcium hyd
Catalytic fume control device
Cement solidification treatment of spent ion exchange resins
Cementitious hazardous waste containers and their method of manu
Ceramicrete stabilization of U-and Pu-bearing materials
Cinder aggregate from PUREX waste
Class of dichroic dyes for use with liquid crystals
Cleaning of solutions of alkylphosphates
Color display device
Color filter
Color filter
Color filter with a porous activated film layer having dye fixed
Coloring substance-containing liquid crystal mixtures
Comminuting irradiated ferritic steel
Composite nuclear fuel material and method of manufacture of the
Composition containing aerogel substrate loaded with tritium
Composition for semiconductor porcelain, and semiconductor porce
Composition of matter suitable for solidifying radioactive waste