Perovskite materials for high temperature and high...
Piezeoelectric ceramic-polymer composites
Piezo-electric ceramic composition
Piezo-electric material
Piezoceramic material
Piezoceramic material having high piezoelectric activity and hig
Piezoelectric actuator, ink jet head, and discharge apparatus
Piezoelectric actuator, ink-jet type recording head,...
Piezoelectric actuators and method of making same
Piezoelectric body
Piezoelectric ceramic
Piezoelectric ceramic
Piezoelectric ceramic
Piezoelectric ceramic
Piezoelectric ceramic and manufacturing method therefor
Piezoelectric ceramic and manufacturing method thereof
Piezoelectric ceramic and method for producing piezoelectric cer
Piezoelectric ceramic and method of manufacturing the same
Piezoelectric ceramic and piezoelectric device
Piezoelectric ceramic and piezoelectric device