Portable heat source
Portable heat source
Powdery hydrophobic filler for bituminized traffic surfaces
Prevention of freezing at moderate supercooling using biogenic i
Prevention of ice nucleation by polyglycerol
Process and means for absorbing and releasing thermal energy by
Process and product for removing ice or snow from a traffic surf
Process for charging a latent heat storage device with a salt hy
Process for preventing frost damage to plants
Process for producing a deicing/anti-icing fluid
Process for storing heat with a eutectic composition containing
Process for the preparation of alkali metal acetates
Process for the production of road deicers from water plant resi
Process of improving melt value of melters using processed...
Process of making calcium acetate deicing agents
Process of making calcium acetate deicing agents
Process of making calcium acetate deicing agents and product
Process of making two uniform grades of calcium magnesium acetat
Product suitable for the storage and conveyance of thermal energ
Protecting pavement or concrete materials against the effects of