Use of norbornyl ethers in augmenting or enhancing the aroma of
Use of polyhydroxyalkylamine-N,N-dicarboxylic acids and their sa
Use of polyhydroxyalkylamine-N-N-dicarboxylic acids and their sa
Use of spirane derivatives to improve perfume compositions
Use of substituted 2-(1-methylbutyl)-1,3-dioxanes as perfuming a
Uses in perfumery of ether derivatives of indanes
Uses of alpha methyl styrene dimers in perfumery processes and p
Uses of methyl phenyl pentanol derivatives in augmenting or enha
Uses of mixtures of alpha methyl styrene dimers and terpene dime
Uses of para-acyloxycyclohexyl alkylcarboxylates in augmenting o
Uses of terpene dimers in perfumery processes and products
Using 1-ethynyl-2,2,6-trimethyl-cyclohexanol to enhance woody fr
Utilization of 1-cyclopentenylacetic acid as perfuming ingredien
Utilization of 2-hydroxy-3,4,4-trimethyl-cyclopent-2-en-1-one as
Utilization of ethyl 2-acetyl-4-methyl-4-pentenoate as perfuming
Utilization of nitrogen containing heterocyclic derivatives as p
UV-sensitive material