Aerostat tether lighting apparatus
Aggregated distribution of multiple satellite transponder...
AICBM Decoy resolution by coherent integration
Air navigation and landing aid system
Air target fuze time-gated decision circuit
Air-supported sandwich radome
Airborne and subterranean UHF antenna
Airborne antenna and a system for mechanically steering an airbo
Airborne antenna platform
Airborne antenna system employing the airframe as an antenna
Airborne early warning system with retractable radome
Airborne frequency-modulation radar and its application to a mis
Airborne IFF antenna with switchable multiple patterns
Airborne interrogation system
Airborne microwave path modeling system
Airborne missile guidance system
Airborne moving-target indicating radar system
Airborne multi-mode radiating and receiving system
Airborne or ground station for a radio navigation system and par