Light-weight signal transmission lines and radio frequency...
Lighted antenna
Lightning protection for an active antenna using...
Lightweight active phased array antenna
Lightweight antenna assembly comprising a whip antenna and a...
Lightweight antenna subpanel having RF amplifier modules embedde
Lightweight C-sandwich radome fabrication
Lightweight composite slotted-waveguide antenna and method of ma
Lightweight deployable antenna system
Lightweight edge-slotted waveguide antenna structure
Lightweight folding parabolic reflector and antenna system
Lightweight optical jammer system
Lightweight patch radiator antenna
Lightweight slot array antenna structure
Lightweight tower assemblies for antennas and the like
Lightweight, compactly deployable support structure
Lightweight, compactly deployable support structure with...
Lightweight, low profile phased array antenna with electromagnet
Limited field of view antenna for space borne applications
Limited scan array antenna systems with sharp cutoff of element