Electromagnetic power and communication link particularly...
Electromagnetic resistivity tool and method for use of same
Electromagnetic signal pickup apparatus and method for use...
Electromagnetic signal pickup device
Electromagnetic telemetry apparatus and methods for...
Electromagnetic wellbore telemetry system for tubular strings
Electromagnetic wellbore telemetry system for tubular strings
Electronic device enabling hardware and methods
Filters for canceling multiple noise sources in borehole...
Fused and sealed connector system for permanent reservoir...
Gas/oil well monitoring system
Geophone borehole cable
High data rate wireline telemetry system
High impact communication and control system
High speed data communication protocol for use with EM data...
High-power well logging method and apparatus
High-power well logging method and apparatus
High-power well logging method and apparatus
Hollow drilling rod for transmitting information
Hybrid piezoelectric and magnetostrictive actuator