Three dimensional before stack depth migration of two dimensiona
Three dimensional image construction using a grid of two dimensi
Three dimensional seismic data acquistion using a repeating offs
Three dimensional seismic prospecting method
Three-axis sensor
Three-component three-dimensional seismic data acquisition
Three-dimensional borehole televiewer display
Three-dimensional displacement of a body with computer interface
Three-dimensional displacement of a body with computer interface
Three-dimensional display of adjacent seismic sections
Three-dimensional geophone
Three-dimensional imaging system
Three-dimensional imaging system for sonar system
Three-dimensional object imaging method and system
Three-dimensional radar apparatus and method for displaying...
Three-dimensional seismic acquisition
Three-dimensional seismic data gathering method
Three-dimensional seismic imaging of complex velocity structures
Three-dimensional seismic survey methods using a...
Three-dimensional two-way acoustic wave equation pre-stack...