Verbal read-out depth sounding system
Vertical velocity ambiguity resolution method
Vessel-mountable sonar systems
Vibrator and method of exploring a material medium by means...
Vibratory, time variant, pseudorandom sonar system
Virtually steerable parametric acoustic array
Visual display process for sonars
Volumetric and terrain imaging sonar
Water turbulence detector
Wavelet filtering of sodar signals
Weatherproofed ultrasonic transducer assembly and systems incorp
Web position indicator
Wide angular diversity synthetic aperture sonar
Wide beam acoustic projector with sharp cutoff and low side lobe
Wide swath precision echo sounder
Wide-angle, forward-looking bathymetric mapping
Wideband, derivative-matched, continuous aperture acoustic trans
Wideband, derivative-matched, continuous aperture acoustic trans
Within-pulse doppler scanning
Wrist watch type receiver of fish sonar