Method of remotely determining the three-dimensional velocity of
Method of rendering volume representation of sonar images
Method of signal processing for high resolution bathymetric...
Method of, and apparatus for, detecting the position of an objec
Method of, and circuit arrangement for, function control of ultr
Method of, and circuit arrangement for, function control of ultr
Methods and apparatus for use in ultrasonic ranging
Methods and systems for use of an acoustic doppler current...
Methods for controlling deployment of an occupant restraint...
Microcomputer-based side scanning sonar system
Mine neutralization system
Minehunting systems
Miniaturized scan within a pulse sonar
Mobility cane for the blind incorporating ultrasonic obstacle se
Modeling sound propagation for underwater test areas
Monitor unit for sensors, particularly ultrasonic sensors, for m
Monitoring apparatus
Monitoring device and method using echo signals
Monostatic projector synthetic aperture sonar
Mounting apparatus for the sonic transducer of a fish-finder