Antidetection by radar device for a flattened superstructure...
Antijam module
Antijam null steering conformal cylindrical antenna system
Antipilferage markers
Anytime/anywhere child locator system
AOA application of digital channelized IFM receiver
AOA estimation and polarization induced phase correction...
Aperture radar
Aperture synthesis radiometer and method of controlling same
Aperture synthesized radiometer using digital beamforming techni
Aperture transformation sidelobe canceller
Aperture-to-receiver gain equalization in multi-beam receiving s
Apparatus and method for adaptively controlling array antenna co
Apparatus and method for adjusting optimum tilt of radar...
Apparatus and method for adjusting set clearance altitude in a t
Apparatus and method for aligning a receiving antenna utilizing
Apparatus and method for allowing user to track path of...
Apparatus and method for automatic antenna beam positioning
Apparatus and method for beam steering control system of a mobil
Apparatus and method for beamforming in a triangular grid patter