Opto-electrical transmitter/receiver module
Opto-electrical transmitter/receiver module
Optoelectronic phased array with digital transmit signal interfa
Optoelectronic wide bandwidth photonic beamsteering phased array
Optoelectronically switched phase shifter for radar and satellit
Organically reactive cell for underground sensing (ORCUS)...
Orientation stabilization by software simulated stabilized platf
Orientation transfer device and method
Orthogonal beam forming network
Orthogonal pulse range ambiguity resolution
Orthogonal/partial orthogonal beamforming weight generation...
Oscillator coupled to an antenna and an application
Oscillator frequency correction in GPS signal acquisition
Other cell sites used as reference point to cull satellite...
Out of plane antenna vector system and method
Outboard radio signal test system and method
Outer loop test generator for global positioning system
Outer wall of a structure located near a radar station
Over the horizon communication system
Over-the-horizon synthetic aperture radar