Automatic radar target detector
Automatic range reducing gating system
Automatic signal thresholding system
Automotive radar sensor blockage detection system and...
Boost engine cutoff estimation in Doppler measurement system
CFAR time-frequency processor for signal detection and extractio
Circuit arrangement for post-detection suppression of spurious r
Circuit for short duration multiple look pulse based frequency m
Closed loop control of receiver turn-on to increase radar sensit
Coherent processing tunnel diode ultra wideband receiver
Coherent ultra-wideband processing of sparse multi-sensor/multi-
Configurable radar sensor
Constant false alarm rate adaptive radar control
Constant false alarm rate with low probability of false alarms
CW and pulse capable crystal video receiver
Delay compensated doppler radar altimeter
Detection system
Device and method for classifying objects in an environmentally
Digital center line filter
Digital phase lock detector