Method for measuring the doppler shift in a sensor system using
Method for measuring the ground speed of a vehicle by means of r
Method for measuring the muzzle velocity of a projectile or...
Method for measuring the radial velocity of a target with a...
Method for measuring the speed of a vehicle
Method for operating a radar system
Method for simple and multipurpose tracking
Method for the probabilistic estimation of noisy measurements
Method for the simultaneous determination of the distance and th
Method of Kalman filtering for estimating the position and veloc
Method of passively estimating an emitter's position...
Method of storing data in radar used for vehicle
Methods and apparatus for determining the differential sideband
Methods and apparatus to determine a target location in body...
Microwave doppler radar system for detection and kinematic measu
Microwave range detector system
Modulation circuit for a vehicular traffic surveillance...
Moving target detection through range cell migration radar
Multiple parameter doppler radar
Noise correction in radars for diffuse targets