Fast and slow time scale clutter cancellation
Fiber-optic feed network using series/parallel connected light e
FM-CW radar system which discriminates between signals...
Frequency domain, pulse compression radar apparatus for eliminat
Frequency-coded monopulse MTI
Generalized clutter tuning for bistatic radar systems
Generalized inner product method and apparatus for improved...
GMTI motion compensation
Ground based pulse radar system and method providing high clutte
HF background noise measurement in HF environments
High frequency MTI radar
High speed weighting signal generator for sidelobe canceller
Hybrid clutter cancellation method and system for improved radar
Identification of ground targets in airborne surveillance radar
Information terminal system getting information based on a locat
Interference avoiding transform domain radar
Irregular PRT deconvolution method and systems, and its uses
M.T.I. radar system
Mechanically rotated Doppler frequency shifter
Method and apparatus for clutter filtering staggered pulse...