System and method for disabling a furnace
System and method for draft safeguard
System and method for flame stabilization and control
System and method for improving the thermal efficiency of a...
System and method for reduced NOx combustion
System and method for removing ash deposits in a combustion devi
System and method of repairing a wax candle having a...
System and methods for modulating gas input to a gas burner
System and methods for modulating gas input to a gas burner
System and process for controlling the flow of air and fuel to a
System control means to preheat waste oil for combustion
System control means to preheat waste oil for combustion
System for active regulation of the air/gas ratio of a...
System for and method of controlling fuel flow to a heating devi
System for automatically seeking the minimum power deliverable b
System for changing oxidants in a flame atomic absorption spectr
System for controlling air/fuel ratio in a gas flow...
System for controlling combustibles and O.sub.2 in the flue gase
System for controlling feed of waste gas to ground flare
System for detecting the condition of ignition assemblies