Self-cooled oxygen-fuel burner for use in high-temperature...
Self-cooled oxygen-fuel for use in high-temperature and...
Shock-stabilized supersonic flame-jet method and apparatus
Slotted burner for gas fireplace
Slotted injection nozzle and low NOx burner assembly
Spark ignited burner
Staged air, low NOX burner with internal recuperative flue gas r
Staged air, recirculating flue gas low NO.sub.x burner
Staged combustion for reducing nitrogen oxides
Staged combustion method
Staged combustion method
Staged combustion system with ignition-assisted fuel lances
Stagnation point reverse flow combustor
Stagnation point reverse flow combustor
Startup combustor for a fuel cell
Substoichiometric fuel firing for minimum NO.sub.x emissions
Super off-stoichiometric combustion method
Swirl gutters for isolating flow fields for combustion enhanceme
Swirling flashback arrestor
System and method for reduced NOx combustion