Active-mode-locking optical-fiber laser generator
Active-switching laser and microchip laser
Actively mode-locked fiber laser with controlled chirp output
Actively Q-switched laser system using quasi-phase-matched...
Adaptive laser output coupler
Adjustable aperture
Adjustable laser module
Affecting laser beam pulse width
Age compensation in optoelectronic modules with integrated...
Agile beam laser
Aging in tunable semiconductor lasers
Alignment-insensitive method for wideband tuning of an unmodifie
All solid-state RGB and white light generator
All-fiber Q-switched laser
All-optical light modulating apparatus and all-optical process f
Amplification of ultrashort pulses with Nd:glass amplifiers pump
Amplified beam source
Amplitude noise reduction for optically pumped modelocked lasers
Analog compensation system for linear lasers
Analog frequency modulated laser using magnetostriction