Microlaser assembly having a microresonator and aligned...
Microlaser cavity, a solid state pulsed microlaser with active Q
Microlaser with modulated emission frequency
Microphotonic acousto-optic tunable laser
Mid-IR instrument for analyzing a gaseous sample and method...
Miniature blue-green laser source using second-harmonic generati
Miniature Talbot cavity for lateral mode control of laser array
Miniaturized Q-switched diode pumped solid state laser
Miniaturized Q-switched diode pumped solid state laser
Miniaturized self-Q-switched frequency-doubled laser
Minimizing high power laser thermal blooming in the atmosphere
Mirrorless, distributed-feedback, ultraviolet, tunable, narrow-l
Misalignment-tolerant, grating-tuned external-cavity laser
Misalignment-tolerant, grating-tuned external-cavity laser with
Misalignment-tolerant, grating-tuned external-cavity laser with
Mixed gas ion laser
Mode locked laser diode in a high power solid state regenerative
Mode locked laser light sources
Mode locker for fiber laser
Mode locker for fiber laser