Multi composition stick product and a process and system for...
Multi-composition stick product and a process and system for...
Multi-purpose writing instrument
Multiple foundation stick container
Nib holder construction for writing implements
Non-circular cross-section dispenser for pastry stick products
Ointment dispenser with kick-start mechanism
One-hand operable cosmetic container
Outer shell for a cosmetic container for preventing accidental r
Oval rotary dispenser with pressure relief
Package for antiperspirant/deodorant
Package for stick product
Packaging and application device for a friable product
Packaging and dispensing device with disengaging mechanism
Pen having cascaded cartridges of different colors
Pencil having an axially-moveable core, particularly a...
Pencil holder
Pencil with a tapered follower
Piston dispenser for paste or solid products
Piston dispenser for paste or solid products including a lining