Packet containing treatment liquid with applicator and method
Patient preparatory applicator with a back plug activator
Pen dispensing and cartridge system
Polymerizable 1, 1-disubstituted ethylene monomer...
Portable toothbrush with dentifrice
Record cleaner/conditioner
Reservoir cartridge for writing pens
Roll-on application with frangible cap
Rupturable sealing element within an ink reservoir cartridge
Safety fluid dispensing system
Scrub sponge
Scrub sponge with alignment bosses
Scrub sponge with opposed puncture member arms
Scrub sponge with opposed puncturing projections
Scrub sponge with projection and well
Semi-enclosed applicator for distributing a substance onto a...
Sheet assembly for polishing work
Shock resistant applicator for non-evaporative liquid
Single use applicator for applying viscous fluids
Single use, disposable lotion applicator