Ramped screen & vibratory separator system
Rear dump truck with sieving device
Recessed vibrator for an elliptical motion screen separator
Rectangular opening woven screen mesh for filtering solid partic
Reinforced molded polyurethane vibratory screen
Reinforced screen rail
Removable seal apparatus for vibratory separator
Replacable screen with frame
Replaceable liner for centrifuge sieve
Retractable, air pressure actuated hold-down clamp
RF shielding gasket for vibratory separator
Riddle with locked-in screen
Rock separator
Rock separator
Roll for spreading and slowing down pourable materials
Roller for cleaning meshes of rotary screens
Rotary adjustable dirt/sand/rock separator
Rotary grid-structure bucket for separating from each other fine
Rotating sizer with screen panels
Rotor for sorting apparatus for cleaning fibrous suspensions