Starting pitches for carbon fibers
Starting pitches for carbon fibers
Startup procedure
Storage materials for hydrogen and other small molecules
Substantially transparent free standing diamond films
Superhard carbon material, a method for its production, and...
Surface graphitized carbon material and process for producing th
Surface preparation of natural graphite and the effect of...
Surface treatment of carbon microfibers
Surface treatment of carbon microfibers
Synthesis of branched carbon nanotubes
Synthesis of carbon nanotubes filled with palladium...
Synthesis of diamond particles in a metal matrix
Synthesis of diamond powders in the gas phase
Synthesis of diamonds
Synthesis of multi-wall carbon nanotubes using unseeded...
Synthesis of nanoscaled carbon materials
Synthesis of small diameter single-walled carbon nanotubes
Synthesis of ultra-hard abrasive particles
Synthetic carbonaceous granules having high mechanical character