Ultrafine polymetallic particles, preparation and use for...
Ultrastable zeolite Y-containing hydrogenation catalyst and...
Unsaturated hydrocarbon separation and recovery process
Unsaturates recovery and recycle process
Upflow oligomerization reaction process
Upflow oligomerization reaction process
Upgrading Fischer-Tropsch olefins
Upgrading light olefin fuel gas and catalytic reformate in a tur
Upgrading light olefin fuel gas in a fluidized bed catalyst reac
Upgrading light olefins in a turbulent fluidized catalyst bed re
Upgrading light oligomers
Upgrading low molecular weight hydrocarbons
Upgrading lower olefins
Upgrading of cyclic naphthas
Upgrading of normal pentane to cyclopentane
Upgrading of normal pentane to cyclopentene
Upgrading of spent butane isomerization catalyst to pentane isom
Upgrading propene-ethene mixtures in a turbulent fluidized catal
Use of amine-aluminum chloride adducts as alkylation inhibitors
Use of ammonia in the formation of aromatic hydrocarbons by dehy