Production of gasoline, diesel, naphthenes and aromatics...
Production of hydrocarbons with a relatively high cetane rating
Production of olefins from biorenewable feedstocks
Production of olefins from biorenewable feedstocks
Production of synthetic crude petroleum
Production process of depolymerized natural rubber
Pyrolysis of polystyrene - polyphenylene oxide to recover styren
Pyrolytic conversion of organic feedstock and waste
Reactor with two fluidized reaction zones with an integrated...
Recovery of styrene from waste polystyrene
Recycling of plastics in a steam cracker
Recycling system for a waste processing plant
Resource recovery by catalytic conversion of polymers
Resource recovery of waste organic chemicals by thermal...
Rubber process oil and production process thereof
Rubber tire to energy pyrolysis system and method thereof
Rubber tire to energy pyrolysis system and method thereof
Selective, integrated processing of bio-derived ester...
Synthesis of liquid fuels and chemicals from oxygenated...
Synthesis of liquid fuels and chemicals from oxygenated...