Molding compositions or masses suitable for manufacturing foundr
Molding compound containing N-methyl-Z pyrrolidone and method
Molding compounds
Molding compounds
Molding compounds
Molding compounds
Molding compounds
Molding compounds based on polybutylene terephthalate
Molding having grain of a natural material and method for produc
Molding made of hydrolyzed ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer
Molding material having superior buffering character
Molding materials based on polyvinyl chloride and polyphenylene
Molding of poly(arylene sulfide) resins
Molding-grade polyurethane
Molecular complexes of DMSQ
Molecular weight control in charge-transfer copolymerization
Molecular weight control of polyurethane elastomers
Molecular-weight modification of polyphosphazenes
Molten salt lift gas system for production of chlorinated hydroc
Molybdenum and tungsten compounds