Bacterial culture which degrades methyl-tert-butyl ether to...
Bacterial method for conversion of arsenite to arsenate
Bacterium useful in the removal of sulphur black dye from a subs
Bio-metallurgical process in which bio-oxidation of mineral comp
Biochemical solubilization of toxic salts from residual geotherm
Biochemical transformation of coals
Biochemical treatment by microorganic method
Biochemical upgrading of oils
Biodegradable azo dyes
Biodegradable plastic
Biodegradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by white-rot fungus
Biodegradation of an organic compound and process for upgrading
Biodegradation of ethers
Biodegradation of ethers using a bacterial culture
Biodegradation of gasoline oxygenates
Biodegradation of liquid scintillation cocktails
Biodegradation of metal cyanides
Biodegradation of the gasoline oxygenates
Bioleaching method for the extraction of metals from coal fly as