Method for the control of stem growth and stem stiffness of gram
Method for the control of undesired plant species using imidazo-
Method for the cultivation of plants employing
Method for the cultivation of plants employing N-alkyl-N-phenyls
Method for the inhibition of plant growth
Method for the manufacture of slow release fertilizers
Method for the preparation of mycoherbicide-containing pellets
Method for the preparation of mycoherbicide-containing pellets
Method for the preparation of water dispersible granular herbici
Method for thinning young fruits and blossoms and agent therefor
Method for treating cereal crop seed with chitosan to enhance yi
Method for treating cereal crop seed with chitosan to enhance yi
Method for treating cereal crop seed with chitosan to enhance yi
Method for using nicotinic acid derivatives as plant growth regu
Method for utilizing benzophenone ureas
Method of antagonizing herbicides on soyabean and cotton
Method of combating undesirable plant growth and of regulating p
Method of combating wild oats
Method of combatting plants which infest maize cultivations with
Method of controlling aquatic weeds