Biosensor with a data memory
Biosensor with a membrane containing biologically active materia
Biosensor with code pattern
Biosensor with multiple electrical functionalities
Biosensor with multiple sampling ways
Biosensor with peroxidase enzyme
Biosensor, and a method and a device for quantifying a substrate
Biosensor, biosensor chip, and biosensor device
Biosensor, measuring instrument for biosensor, and method of...
Biosensor, method of forming thin-film electrode, and method...
Biosensor, thin film electrode forming method,...
Biosensors and methods of making
Biosensors and methods of making
Biosensors and methods of using the same
Biosensors comprising a covalently attached monomolecular...
Biosensors with porous chromatographic membranes
Biosorption system
Biosynthetic cerebrospinal fluid control and method of use
Bipolar assembly for filter-press electrolyzer
Bipolar cell