Reclining chair with push-button actuator mechanism
Reclining mechanism and furniture item
Reclining mechanism and furniture item having pusher mechanism
Reclining seating unit movable to heart-rest position
Reclining seating unit with wall-proximity capability
Reclining sofa
Reclining sofa
Resiliently releasing ottoman for motion chair
Rockable against-the-wall type reclining chair
Rocker recliner and away-from-the-wall recliner chairs
Rocker-blocking device for rocking chair having projectable/rect
Rocker-recliner chair
Rocker-recliner chair
Rocker-recliner chair
Rocking recliner chair
Safety ottoman
Safety platform arrangement for recliner
Seat-operated interlock
Seat-recliner fitting that can be adjusted by a motor
Self-locking rocker recliner chair