Inflatable buoy
Inflatable buoyancy device with water-dependant triggering...
Inflatable buoyancy device with water-dependant triggering...
Inflatable chemical foam injected buoy
Inflatable dive marker and collection bag
Inflatable dive marker and collection bag
Inflatable dive marker and collection bag
Inflatable flag buoy workable in both the daytime and the night
Inflatable sailboat racing mark that can be reduced in size...
Interment vessel with directional capability
Keel mounted turret
Land and water based flash flood detection and warning system
Launchable diver surfacing signal
Life buoy with a radar responder
Lightweight marine buoy and method of handling the same
Line tending marker float
Line tending marker float
Linked-spar motion-compensated lifting system
Liquid natural gas transfer station
Liquid-filled underwater sculptural object