Method and apparatus for threading a helix onto a cosmetic...
Method and apparatus to permit attachment of bristles to toothbr
Method and device for forming fiber packs for manufacturing...
Method and device for manufacturing brush bodies
Method and device for manufacturing brushes
Method and device for manufacturing brushes
Method and device for processing brushes
Method and device for producing brush products
Method and device for producing brushes and brushes produced...
Method and device for supplying fibres to a filling tool in a br
Method and device for trimming and end-rounding bristles
Method and device of melting together fiber ends
Method and machine for manufacturing brushes
Method for a brush construction
Method for connecting bristles to a bristle carrier
Method for forming integral fused contructions
Method for making a brush seal
Method for making a fruit-shaped bath scrubber
Method for making a tufted brush
Method for making bath scrubber for use in cleaning body skin