Unit for borehole running and pulling operations
Unitary drill bit and roof bolt
Unitized rotary rock bit
Unitized seal for severe service applications
Universal drive point device
Universal joint assembly
Universal perforating gun firing head
Unplanar non-axisymmetric inserts
Unplanar non-axisymmetric inserts
Unsegmented rotary rock bit structure and hydraulic fitting
Up-drill sub for use in rotary drilling
Up-hole overshot and safety drilling apparatus
Up-hole pump-in core barrel apparatus
Uphole hammer
Use of axial accelerometer for estimation of instantaneous...
Use of cuttings tank for slurrification on drilling rig
Using a rotating inner member to drive a tool in a hollow...
Using a rotating inner member to drive a tool in a hollow...
Using a rotating inner member to drive a tool in a hollow...
Using a rotating inner member to drive a tool in a hollow...