Earth-boring tools having pockets for receiving cutting...
Earth-boring tools having threads for affixing a body and...
Earth-burning bit having an improved hard-faced tooth structure
Easy break-out tool joint and method
Easy hold power auger
Eccentric counterbore for diamond insert stud
Eccentric counterbore for diamond insert stud
Eccentric drilling tool
Eccentric rotary bit
Elastically vibratory longitudinal jacketed drill
Elastomeric seal assembly having auxiliary annular seal...
Electric horizontal directional drilling machine system
Electrical imaging in conductive and non-conductive mud
Electrical transmission apparatus through rotating tubular...
Electrically conducting an orientation signal in a directionally
Electrically conductive oil-based mud
Electrically insulating gap subassembly for downhole electromagn
Electrically insulating gap subassembly for downhole...
Electrically operated drilling method
Electrically powered tractor