Earth drilling knobby bit
High speed rock bit
Hydrodynamic pump passages for rolling cone drill bit
Indicating means for a rock bit lubricating system
Low pressure differential compensator
Lubricant pressure compensator for an earth boring drill bit
Lubrication system for an earth boring drill bit and methods for
Mechanism for lubricating the bearings of the cutting rollers of
Method and apparatus for well drilling
Methods and apparatus for lubricating a rotary cutter
Modular drill bit
Plunger lubricant compensator for an earth boring drill bit
Pressure compensator and lubricating reservoir with improved res
Pressure compensator for drill bit lubrication system
Pressure compensator for rotary earth boring tool
Pressure relief system and methods of use and making
Pressure relief valve for rock bits
Protected lubricant reservoir for sealed bearing earth...
Protected lubricant reservoir for sealed earth boring drill bit