Activation of hypochlorite bleaching of dyes
Activation of nylon fibers for modification by UV radiation
Activation of peroxygen bleaches using isophorone enol acetates
Active ingredient combinations for hair-dyeing agents
Actuatable holding system
Actuating knob for adjusting louvers
Actuation device and method
Acyldihydroxybenzene azo dyes for metallized polyolefins
Adaptable multi-purpose wrench
Adapter bracket for a gas igniter
Adapter for an over the door hook
Adapter for impact rotary tool
Adapter plate
Adapter plate
Adaptive fill control for an automatic washer
Adaptive water level controller for washing machine
Adaptor for a fastening tool
Adaptor for moving electrical wiring
Adding liquid machine with presettable quantity and adding...
Additive-solvent process to form embossed product