Adjustable headboard for beds
Adjustable height bed
Adjustable hospital and nursing home bed
Adjustable king-sized mattress
Adjustable mattress foundation for beds
Adjustable mattress support for stretcher or the like
Adjustable seat pitch sofa sleeper mechanism
Adjustable support frame for an adjustable bed or the like
Adjusting device for a lattice plate equipped with at least a ti
Air inflatable bed-like device with adjustable back support
Angular tilt control mechanism for a wheeled stretcher
Anti-tilt sofa sleeper mechanism
Anti-tilt sofa sleeper mechanism
Apertured continuous filament fabric
Apertured continuous filament fabric
Apertured continuous filament fabric
Apertured continuous filament fabric
Apertured continuous filament fabric
Apertured continuous filament fabric
Apertured film material for an absorbent article