Board mounted sensor placement into a furnace duct
Centralized humidification controlled container system for...
Climate control for an animal barn
Combination cigar humidor and miniature golf bag
Combined humidity gauge and fan for a humidor
Comfont control by combined temperature and humidity
Container with device preventing dew condensation
Control air exhaust for humidistat
Control circuit using a sulphonated fluorocarbon humidity sensor
Control for fogger using pressurized air and water
Control for humidifier of the type used with thermostatically co
Cooling ceiling
Crawl space ventilation system
Desiccant device and humidity measuring means
Device for air-conditioning control in an air-conditioned room h
Differential relative humidity and temperature sensitive...
Direct air cooling of outdoor electronic cabinets
Environmental control system for a vehicle
Environmental control system with humidity control and method
Environmental stabilization system and method for...