Toy doll figure for displaying colors
Toy doll having articulated arms and a tiltable upper torso
Toy doll or article with manipulative appendage
Toy doll with a rotary doll head
Toy doll with simulated growing tooth
Toy dolls with programmable speech and enclosures therefor
Toy eye construction
Toy figure
Toy figure
Toy figure convertible into toy vehicle
Toy figure having adjustably movable joints
Toy figure having enhanced punching feature
Toy figure having grasping claw
Toy figure having marble retaining features
Toy figure having plurality of body parts joined by ball and...
Toy figure having water dissolvable clothes and facial elements
Toy figure having weapon swinging action
Toy figure insect having articulated wings and appendages
Toy figure pair simulating combat
Toy figure simulating musical instrument play