Negative-feedback amplifier circuit capable of independently con
Negative-feedback amplifier with accurately defined input or out
Negative-feedback circuit for an, especially integrated, transis
Negative-feedback type ultra-wideband signal amplification...
Negative-resistance-compensated microwave buffer
Nested feed forward distortion reduction system
Nested transimpedance amplifier
Nested transimpedance amplifier
Nested transimpedance amplifier
Nested transimpedance amplifier
Nested transimpedance amplifier
Nested transimpedance amplifier
Nested transimpedance amplifier
Nested transimpedance amplifier with capacitive cancellation...
Nested transimpendance amplifier
Nested transimpendance amplifier
Network amplifier with microprocessor control
Network for cascade compensation of the non-linearity of an ampl
NF tone control circuit
NMR/MRI pulse amplifier