Debris free plug assembly for heat exchange tubes
Debris retention perforating apparatus and method for use of...
Deceleration device for a submunition unit with textile package
Deceleration device for submunition
Deceleration element for a submunition unit
Deceleration sensor
Deconfinement device for the casing of a piece of an ammunition
Decoy deploying ICBM warhead
Decoy device and system for anti-missile protection and...
Decoy device and system for anti-missile protection and...
Decoy flare
Decoy flare
Decoy flare with sequencer ignition
Decoy means and method therefor
Decoy rounds
Decoys for infra-red radiation seeking missiles and methods...
Decoys for infra-red radiation seeking missiles and methods...
Deepwater target-seeking mines
Defensive shooting projectile