Shock sensing dual mode warhead
Shoot-through cover for an explosively formed penetrator warhead
Simulated hand grenade with marking means
Single stage kinetic energy warhead utilizing a...
Slug generating charge
Solid propellant rocket motor thermally initiated venting...
Solid pyrotechnic compositions for projectile base-bleed systems
Spherical rolling explosive ordinance
Spherical warhead
Spin stabilized carrier projectile
Spin stabilized carrier projectile including at least two submun
Spin stabilized carrier projectile provided with a metal driving
Spin stabilized projectile with a payload
Spin-stabilized artillery projectile
Spin-stabilized artillery projectile
Spin-stabilized bomblet-carrying projectile
Spin-stabilized carrier projectile
Spin-stabilized projectile with payload
Spinstabilized projectile
Spiral linear shaped charge jet