Sabot projectile with a sabot tail to which an attachment sleeve
Safe firecracker
Safety explosion-sound type bullet for toy gun
Selective emitting flare nanosensors
Separable missile nosecap
Separation and aerodynamic braking device for the propulsion sta
Ship decoy
Signal or rescue flare of variable luminosity
Silicon window infrared augmenter
Simulating an explosion of an improvised explosive device
Single fuse follow-through grenade
Small aluminum “Fire Cup” used with a fire...
Small scale semi-submersible boat for naval combat
Stabilized and propelled decoy, emitting in the infra-red
Stacked pellet flare assembly and methods of making and...
Submarine flare with vertical attitude determination
Swimmer pyrotechnic signal device
System and method for zero latency distributed processing of...
System for model rocket construction