Method for the manufacture of a frangible nonsintered...
Method for the manufacture of a subcaliber projectile manufactur
Method of manufacturing ammunition
Mid-body obturator for a gun-launched projectile
Missile/canister lateral support pad flyout control system
Modular fiber armature for electromagnetic launchers
Monolithic ballasted penetrator
Multi-mode modular projectile
Multi-purpose kinetic energy projectile
Multiple-component projectile with non-discarding sabot sleeve
Munition loading device
Munitions with shattering penetrator cartridge case
Muzzle loading sabot
Muzzle-loader projectile with a plastic insert
Muzzleloading firearm projectile
Non-ablative projectile heat sensitive nose
Non-discarding sabot projectile system
Non-explosive target directed reentry projectile
Non-newtonian projectile
Non-toxic composite projectiles having a biodegradable polymeric