Kinetic energy projectile with fin leading edge protection mecha
Kinetic energy projectile with fin leading edge protection mecha
Kinetic energy projectile with in-flight extended length
Kinetic energy sabot projectile
Kinetic sabot system
Kinetic-energy projectile
Kinetic-energy projectile having a large length to diameter rati
Large-caliber long-range field artillery projectile
Launch tube bore rider
Launching mechanism for subcalibre projectile
Lead attached sabot slug
Lead free, composite polymer based bullet and method of...
Lead-free shot
Less-lethal ammunition projectile
Long rod penetrator
Low toxicity shot pellets
Means to control sabot petal trajectory at start of discard
Metallic projectile body and thermoplastic rotating band
Method and apparatus for changing the spin of a projectile...
Method for loading a muzzle-loading firearm