Blasting apparatus for forming horizontal underground...
Blasting apparatus, blasting method and retainer member used...
Blasting arrangement
Blasting cap booster assembly
Blasting cap to primer adapter
Blasting charge for a blast actuated high-voltage power switch
Blasting mat
Blasting method and composition
Blasting method and composition
Blasting method for reducing nitrogen oxide fumes
Blasting method with above and below surface delays
Blasting plug with plate members and plastic resin
Blasting stemming plug
Blasting system and components therefor
Blow molded dynamite tube
Booster container with isolated and open cord tunnels
Booster explosive devices and combinations thereof with explosiv
Booster shaped for high-efficiency detonating
Borehole charging method including toroidal transformer cores
Borehole stemming with a column of liquefiable and/or vaporizabl