Sintered tungsten liners for shaped charges
Slackening type blasting method
Small charge blasting apparatus including device for sealing...
Smooth wall blasting in rock
Solid propellant gas generator with adjustable pressure...
Standoff mine neutralization system and method
Stemming arrangement and method for blast holes
Structure of slackening type blasting mat
Substantially lead-free tin alloy sheath material for explosive-
Suppressing explosions and installation
Surface safe rig environment detonator
System for the initiation of downhole explosive and propellant s
Tanged charge holder
Three-phase hypervelocity projectile launcher
Time fuze for unpredictably-detonating scatter ammunition
Tin alloy sheath material for explosive-pyrotechnic linear produ
Tungsten enhanced liner for a shaped charge
Tungsten enhanced liner for a shaped charge
Tunnel driving method
Underground jet perforating using resistive blasting caps