Field-primable chub cartridge having a longitudinal threading tu
Fuel air explosive canister
Handheld tool for breaking up rock
Impact resistant bag with increased circumferential yarn strengt
Linear explosive charge with constant detonation velocity and sy
Linear explosive charge with constant detonation velocity and sy
Liquid explosive with initiator
Loading tube for shaped charges
Low-energy shock tube connector system
Method and apparatus for controlled small-charge blasting by...
Method and system for weakening a detonation in a container or p
Method for setting and igniting a charge of explosives for...
Method of assembling a tanged charge holder
Method of safely initiating combustion of a gas generant composi
Modular explosives cartridge and novel spider construction
Nano-based devices for use in a wellbore
Non-incendive rock-breaking explosive charge
Non-lethal distraction device
Nuclear-sized explosions without radiation
Packaged explosive product and packaging process therefor