Refractory superalloys
Reinforced durable steel, method for the production thereof,...
Reinforcing steel having resistance to salt and capable of preve
Removable dental appliances
Repair material
Resistance welding electrode of chalcogene bearing copper alloy
Resulfurized austenitic stainless steel
Resulfurized austenitic stainless steel with improved machinabil
Resulphurized austenitic stainless steel with improved machinabi
Reversible hydrogen storage composition
Rhenium-bearing copper-nickel-tin alloys
Rhodium, platinum, palladium alloy
Rhodium-based alloy and articles made therefrom
Roller caster shell steel
Rolling bearing made of improved bearing steel
Rolling-part steel and rolling part employing same
Room-temperature-formable magnesium alloy with excellent...
Rose-colored gold alloy compositions with reversible...
Rotary brake disc
Rust-resistant calcium steel